Norwegian financial mechanism 2009 – 2014Specialized hospital for residential treatment, prolonged treatment and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy ‘Sveta Sofia’ EOOD was granted financial aid for the funding of Project BG07-23/30.04.2015 ‘Development of a centre for application of high-technology rehabilitation methods designed to improve the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy’. The project will be implemented with the financial aid of the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009 – 2014 and the Financial mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009 – 2014 via Programme BG07 ‘Public Health Initiatives’, Measure 5 ‘Improved quality and access to care for children with mental, genetic and onco-haematologic diseases (with emphasis on children suffering from cerebral palsy, cardiovascular diseases, autism, young people with nutritional disorders) and somatic impairment caused by infectious diseases (such as poliomyelitis, bacterial meningitis, morbili, TB, HIV/AIDS, etc.). The common aim of the project is to improve the quality of care for children suffering from cerebral palsy, with the specific aims being as follows:
The main activities that will be carried out and funded under this project are:
The duration of the project is until 30 April 2016. |