Academy of cerebral palsy

It took place under the patronage of the Mayor of Sofia, Mrs. Y. Fandakova on the occasion of the 25th year since the establishment of Specialised Hospital for Prolonged Therapy and Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy ‘St. Sofia’ Ltd.


The forum took place on April 26, 2014 in Park-Hotel ‘Moskva’ and was aimed at physicians, psychologists, parents and therapists – medical and non-medical specialists working in specialised medical, healthcare and social care institutions and non-profit organisations taking care of children with cerebral palsy.


25 reports on different topics related to contemporary methods of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of cerebral palsy were presented by leading lecturers from Bulgaria and abroad in the field of neonatology, paediatrics, paediatric neurology, physical therapy and rehabilitation, orthopaedics, neurosurgery, orthotics, psychoanalysis, logopaedics, special pedagogy, ergotherapy and kinesitherapy. You can take a look at the programme with the reports at the following link:


Reports were presented by leading specialists in various aspects of childcare for children with cerebral palsy,

both from Europe:

Prof. Dr Hans Fossberg, paediatric neurologist

Prof. Dr Walter Strobl, paediatric neuro-orthopaedist,

Myriam Szejer, psychoanalyst,

Marie Claire Busnel, ethologist,

Hilde Pitteljon, chief ergotherapist;

and from Bulgaria:

Assoc. Prof. Dr Ivan Chavdarov, physical and rehabilitation medicine,

Prof. Dr Boryana Slancheva, neonatologist,

Prof. Dr Veneta Bozhinova, paediatric neurologist,

Prof. Dr Hristo Georgiev, orthopaedist,

Prof. Dr Nikolay Gabrovski, neurosurgeon,

Prof. Dr Elena Ilieva, physical and rehabilitation medicine,

Dr Yovko Gyurov, orthopaedist

and other Bulgarian specialists in the field of paediatric neurological rehabilitation.


All reports from the forum were published in a special edition and each of the participants received a copy.

The reports of Assoc. Prof. Chavdarov were also published on the website of Specialised Hospital for Prolonged Therapy and Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy ‘St. Sofia’ at the following links:


1. Contemporary definition and classification of cerebral palsy, early diagnostics and rehabilitation team

2. Contemporary aspects of medical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, methodology of physical and rehabilitation medicine

3. The role of Botulinum toxin А in the complex rehabilitation of cerebral palsy

4. Clinical criteria for achievement of self-dependent walking and prognosis of motor development in cerebral palsy

5. Robot-assisted rehabilitation in cerebral palsy – new perspectives


Gallery Academy of Cerebral palsy 2014

Gallery Coctail Academy 2014