Structure of the Hospital

The Hospital consists from:

  • Unit for Consultations and Diagnostics:

    1. Section for Physical Therapy
    2. Section for Cognitive, Behavioral and Communicational Interventions
    3. Section for Ergotherapy
    4. Hall for Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy
    5. Gait Lab - Computerized Pedobarometria

  • Department of Early Neurologycal Rehabilitation

  • Department of Late Rehabilitation

  • Unit for Administration and Economics

Department for Early Neurologycal Rehabilitation

It admits children at 2 to 7 years of age. It is situated in a separate building and has 46 beds, separated in 4 groups with 10-12 beds each with bedroom, sitting room, dining room and toilet. Each group has special system of exercises with the children: sensorial-, montesorry-, echo- and art-materials.

The selection of children for the groups depends mainly on the age threshold, which should not exceed 2 years, as well as the mental, speaking and locomotory abilities of the children.

The combination of the children in each group is decided annually by the chief of the department, the psychologist and the logopedist. The replacement of the children in the groups is possible also due to the relations arisen between them.

The children in the department are rehabilitated individually till noontime and in the afternoon depending on their age and their psycho-emotional characteristics they have a rest or carry out-group or individual exercises.

Depending on the age and the psycho-emotional condition of the child a team of specialists from the Hospital designs periodically the rehabilitative medico-pedagogical program of the child.

Department for Late Rehabilitation

It admits children at 7 to 24 years of age with IQ>65 and with data for school readiness and school maturation established by the psychologist. It is situated in a separated building and has 54 places for training.

The children are distributed in studying classes from 1st to 8th class as they are taught till noon time. In the afternoon the children carry out active medico-pedagogical rehabilitation with the specialists from the Hospital.

A medico-pedagogic board consisted of specialists from the Hospital and teachers discuss four times per year the problems arisen with the children's education.

Chavdarov I. - ROBOT-ASSISTED THERAPY FOR GAIT TRAINING IN CEREBRAL PALSY, ALGORITHMS AND OUR 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE; Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Health Journal; vol.22, No.3/2023, 27p.
Chavdarov I. - REPETITIVE TRANSCRANIAL  MAGNETIC STIMULATION (RTMS) FOR CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY; Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Health Journal; vol.22, No.3/2023, 32p.
VII - th Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with internetional participation -
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