Executive Body
General Manager: Ivan Chavdarov, MD, PhD, MAEcs,
Assoc. Prof. of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM); Manual Medicine
DEPARTMENT for Early Neurologycal Rehabilitation,
Chief: Larisa Kurtelova, MD, PRM-specialist
DEPARTMENT for Late Rehabilitation,
Chief: Natasha Benova, MD, PRM-specialist
UNIT for Administration and Economics,
Chief: Elina B., MS (Master of Accountancy and Control)
UNIT for Consultations and Diagnostics,
Section of Cognitive, Behavioral and Communucational Interventions,
Chief Spec.Pedagogic: Zdravka T., MA (Master of Spec. Pedagogic)
Chief Logopedy: Rosica E., MA (Master of Logopedy)
UNIT for Consultations and Diagnostics,
Section of Physical Therapy,
Chief: Vania F., BA (Physiotherapy), Bachelor of Health Care, Dipl.Vojta-therapist
Section of Ergotherapy,
Chief: Diana P.